
We are proud to announce that our latest research contribution was accepted at IEEE TNSRE and is available for early access here: We developed an algorithm to detect standardized gait tests from continuous real-world IMU recordings. It can help to red...

You are a HMDA student at FAU and are wondering what will be important in your professional life as innovative engineer?   In the online course “Becoming an innovative engineer”, you will complement your technical knowledge which you gained in other courses to become an innovative enginee...

We are happy to announce that our paper entitled "System Design for a Data-Driven and Explainable Customer Sentiment Monitor Using IoT and Enterprise Data" is now published on IEEE Access. This publication is a result of a great collaboration between our MaD Lab at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg and Siemens ...

Last week, Robert Richer presented our research on "Assessing the Influence of the Inner Clock on the Cortisol Awakening Response and Pre-Awakening Movement" at the 2021 IEEE Biomedical and Health Informatics Conference. In this work, we investigated the role of the inner clock in triggering the awa...

Marlies Nitschke presented this week at the Footwear Biomechanics Symposium 2021 our research on "Prediction of the effect of midsole stiffness and energy return using trajectory optimisation". This research origins from a fantastic cooperation between adidas and the FAU. This work is extending our ...

Johannes joined the Lab in June 2021. He obtained a Master's degree in Computer Science at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) with a focus on pattern recognition, database systems, and distributed systems. Previously, he studied European Economic Studies at Otto-Friedrich Uni...

Kai studied physics at the university of Erlangen-Nuremberg with a special interest in theoretical physics. While in his Bachelor studies, he was involved in research about the fundamental structure of spacetime, he turned to more applied semiconductor optics in his Master’s work at the Max Planck I...

Die internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Wissenschaftsstandortes Bayern auf entscheidenden Zukunftsfeldern zu stärken, ist grundlegendes Ziel der mit über drei Milliarden Euro unterfütterten Hightech Agenda Bayern und ihres Beschleunigungsprogramms Hightech Agenda Plus. Welchen Mehrwert die einzi...

Björn Eskofier gives the plenary lecture on AI and wearables for digital medicine this upcoming Thursday during the annual Congress of the German senology society. We at the MaD lab are happy to collaborate with Medical Valley, EIT Health, HIH 2025, Mobilise-D, and Digital Medicine Society (DiMe) t...

We are proud to announce that our last paper “Towards an IMU-based Pen Online Handwriting Recognizer” has been accepted for publication at the 16th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2021), the premier international event for scientists and practitioners involved in...