Master’s Thesis

Master's Thesis Objective In cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Medicine MEVIS we aim to develop an all-encompassing framework that eases the path for designers to craft effective and user-friendly mobile and wearable health systems. Our vision is to merge theoretical insights a...

Master's Thesis / Research Internship / Student Assistant The golf swing is arguably one of the most complex whole-body movements in sports . It requires significant physiological effort and precise neuromuscular control to accelerate the clubhead to more than 160 km/h in one-fifth of a second . Th...

Master's Thesis / Research Internship / Student Assistant The golf swing is arguably one of the most complex whole-body movements in sports . It requires significant physiological effort and precise neuromuscular control to accelerate the clubhead to more than 160 km/h in one-fifth of a second . Th...