Markus Zrenner

Markus Zrenner, M. Sc.


Department Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Engineering (AIBE)
Lehrstuhl für Maschinelles Lernen und Datenanalytik

Room: Room 01.026
Carl-Thiersch-Straße 2b
91052 Erlangen

Research: Millions of amateur and professional endurance runners already use online platforms for tracking their performance and progress. They usually use smartwatches or smartphones to track their position via GPS or their heartrate using PPG sensors. Apart from tracking and adapting the training plan, the data captured of all the runners is usually not further processed.

The goal of my research is to use this kind of data for personalized, data-driven recommendation systems. On the one hand, I want to extend the parameters being captured during running by integrating inertial measurement units into the soles of running shoes. Thus, also foot kinematic parameters can be measured. On the other hand, I want to create a personalized running shoe recommendation system using all the different data sources, which helps especially amateur runners with the choice of a suiting running shoe. Besides, I want to use the data for developing a personalized route recommendation system. This system helps runners to find personalized routes in not familiar locations.

Teaching: Apart from my research work, I am coach of the Innovation lab for Wearable and Ubiquitous Computing. In this course, we create innovative prototypes using agile development techniques in cooperation with industry partners. For more information, follow this link.

Academic CV

 Since 05/2017 Researcher at the Machine Learning and Data Analytics Lab
Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
 01/2016-04/2017 Researcher at the Pattern Recognition Lab
Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
 10/2015-12/2015 Research assistant Fraunhofer IIS
10/2012 -09/2015 Masters Degree „Medical Electronics“
Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuernberg
Master Thesis : “Evaluation and implementaion of algorithms for authentication based on mobile captured 1-lead ECG data”
02/2014-09/2014 Semester abroad in Australia
Edith Cowan University Perth
09/2009-09/2012 Bachelors Degree “Healthcare Engineering”
Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuernberg
Bachelor Thesis: “Examination of different phantom structures concerning the SNR of a Remote-Body-Array”











Innovation Lab for Wearable and Ubiquitous Computing


Thesis supervision

Year Type Name Title
2020 Master thesis Georg Prosinger Extraction and Analysis of Endurance Running Route
Preferences from Athletes’ GPS Tracks
2018 Master thesis Tim Hamann Recognition of Basic Letter Elements during Handwriting with Deep Learning
2018 Bachelor thesis Christoph Feldner Real-time terrain classification using inertial sensor data
2018 Master thesis Philipp Schlieper The Effects of Sub-Sensory Mechanical Foot Sole Stimulation on Postural Control of Healthy Recreational Athletes
2017 Master thesis Juliana Klein Development of Algorithms for Computing Knee Stability Parameters Using a Sensor Equipped Knee Sleeve
2017 Master thesis Mathias Maurer Development and Evaluation of Inertial Sensor-Based Real-Time Knee Angle Calculation
2017 Bachelor thesis Pascal Zobel Computation of Speed and Distance in Running using a foot-mounted Inertial Measurement Unit

Open student projects

[B] = Bachelor’s Thesis, [M] = Master’s Thesis, [I] = Implementation Task (for Computer Science “Master Project” or Medical Engineering “Research Internship” (Forschungspraktikum))

Thesis ID Scope Topic Area


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