

Projekt Description:

Patients in palliative care are in advanced stages of a life-threatening, often painful disease. The main goals of palliative care are to increase the quality of life and to reduce symptom burden. In palliative care frequently used, effective drugs for reducing pain and dyspnea are opioids, which are substances producing morphine-like effects. For opioids neither a maximum daily dosage nor a general recommended dosage exists. The medication depends on the individual needs of patients. As opioid medication can have lots of side effects like obstipation, nausea or hallucinations, the prescription is often over-cautious due to the possible adverse events which could be life threatening [1]. Achieving a balance between analgesic effectiveness and possible adverse events is crucial. In order to determine the optimal dosage, monitoring of biometric and psychometric data is necessary.

To achieve this balance, we want to develop an app with a modular design for the patients. Utilizing different modules, the aim is to record the state of the patient and the effects of the medication dynamically. Those modules are used to gather biometric and psychometric data via several tests. Since it seems that no apps exist for continuous monitoring of palliative patients at home, we want to provide a continuous monitoring of the patient with our app which could be very beneficial for the adequate treatment patients taking opiods. The collected data is processed and provided to the treating physician. According to the results, the doctor can adapt the current dosage if necessary. The doctor as well as relatives of patients in need of assistance should also be able to enter data as well as view it at any time.

Development Team: Jacob Fidorra, Anna-Maria Wölfl, Patricia Urban, Swathi Hassan Gangaraju, Abinaya Muthusamy, Selim Atay

Scrum Master: Imrana Yari Abdullah, Michael Nissen

Partner: University Hospital – Palliativstation



[2] Information from Dr. Tobias Steigleder