Thomas Maier

Thomas Maier, M. Sc.

Researcher & PhD Candidate

Department Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Engineering (AIBE)
Lehrstuhl für Maschinelles Lernen und Datenanalytik

Carl-Thiersch-Straße 2b
91052 Erlangen

Curriculum Vitae

Since 10/2022 Researcher and Ph.D. Candidate
Machine Learning and Data Analytics Lab at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg
Topic: “Monitoring of urban water demand for city trees using novel sensor technology and algorithms”
Since 03/2020 Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer
Agvolution GmbH, Climate Smart Agriculture
09/2018 – 05/2021 M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering
Chair for High Frequency Technology (LHFT), M. Vossiek
Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg
Master Thesis: “Design and construction of an LF-RFID system with passive bendable tags”
07/2019 – 12/2019 Studies abroad at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
Electrical Engineering master student
09/2014 – 07/2018 B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering
Chair of Electromagnetic Field Theory (LEMF), M. Albach
Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg
Bachelor Thesis: “Theoretical EMC investigation on thermal and acoustic shielding materials”
09/2017 – 05/2018 Studies abroad at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
Electrical Engineering undergraduate student
11/2015 – 07/2019 Working Student at Siemens
Siemens e-Aircraft (Erlangen, Germany)
Topic: “Live telemetry and machine data aquisition in electric airplanes”
11/2014 – 09/2017 Student tutor
Pupils Research Centre of Erlangen (ESFZ)






  • Thomas Maier: First Prize for best studen paper at the student competition of the International Astronautical Astronautical Federation (IAF) for undergraduate students, Adelaide (Australia) – 2017, see more
    Topic: Moisture sensor for graviation dependent plant watering
  • Thomas Maier: Gold medal at the International Environment Sustainability Project Olympiad (INESPO), Amsterdam (Netherlands) – 2015
    Topic: “Novel soil moisture sensor for monitoring plant growth”

