Alzhraa Ahmed

Alzhraa Ahmed, M. Sc.

Researcher & PhD Candidate

Department Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Engineering (AIBE)
Lehrstuhl für Maschinelles Lernen und Datenanalytik

Room: Room 01.020
Carl-Thiersch-Straße 2b
91052 Erlangen

Research Focus

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system that is most common in young adulthood resulting in different gait disorders. My research focuses on identifying biomarkers in the form of gait characteristics in patients with multiple sclerosis. Patients are equipped with inertial measurement units (IMU) from which objective spatio-temporal gait parameters can be obtained and analyzed. This can be used both for the assessment of the current state of the disease and for the prediction of the further course of the disease in the form of relapses. Furthermore, this could significantly slow down the course of the disease and possibly delay the accompanying mobility impairment over a very long period of time.

Curriculum Vitae

since 10/2019 PhD Candidate
Machine Learning and Data Analytics Lab, Department of Computer Science
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)
04/2014 – 10/2017 M.Sc. in Computer Science
Assiut University-Egypt
Master’s Thesis: “Human Activity Recognition from RGB-D videos”
09/2007 – 06/2011 B.Sc. in Computer Science
Assiut University-Egypt
Bachelor’s Thesis: “Content based Image Retrieval (CBIR)”







  • 09/2019 – Present: Postgraduate Scholarship at PhD Level from Egyptian Mission Sector